Going on a date with someone you like is very exciting, but it doesn't mean that you overdo yourself. This could sometimes turn your first date into your last date, hence, its best to stay original and easy - going.
There are few things you should avoid on your first date if you want that relationship to grow into something big in future:
1. Don't be late:
Never be late for your first date. You shouldn't be late for any of your dates, but the first date is a very delicate matter. After all, 'first impression is the last impression.' If you make a person wait for you on your first date then it reflects that you don't care about him/her. So, be on time!
2. Cancelling date at the last minute:
Don't cancel a date at the last minute! If an emergency crops up then be kind enough to tell him/her before time. Telling them an hour before the time set for a date is not good. Atleast, they would be able to make other plan for the evening.
3. Don't be a 'Chatterbox':
Give the other person a chance to speak. Don't be so engrossed in your stories that your date just sits their the whole time quietly listening to you. Let them express their feelings and share their expriences. Take a breath or two when speaking; don't talk like an unstoppable missile!
4. Don't show off:
Don't flaunt away your wealth or your status or how qualified you are. Act like a human. All these things do matter in todays world, but it doesn't means that you put a notice board of your wealth, status or education on a date. Be natural, candid and easy - going. Don't make the other person feel ill at ease.
5. Criticizing the other persons taste:
It's best never to criticize a date's taste, constructive criticism can however do, but criticizing a date's taste on the first date is equivalent to a 'cardinal sin'. Everyone has their own taste, so give them space to be natural. However, you can give suggestions later on; when you two get to know eachother better and are close enough.
6. Being Aggressive:
Never ever try to put your hands on a girl on your first date! if you do then you are a despo and that is your last date with that girl.. Give the other person time to settle in and relax. Never rush things with girls because your aggressiveness will make them run away.
7. Checking out other people:
Don't check out other girls on your date. Focus on your on own date. See how beautiful she is. Stop staring the waitresses and girls in the restaurant!
8. Don't ask intimate questions:
Never ever ask intimate questions on your first date. This will scare them off and they will feel ill at ease. Talk about stuff that brings out their real personality. Talk about things which are lively and easy to talk about.
These points are not the ultimate solution to a perfect first date, but if you dont do any of these things then their is a chance that you would be going on another date with the same person, in short, you can dream of a bright future with that person.
So, best of luck with your dates..:)