Its very important to know what turns men on, but the one thing more important is how to keep them interested in you and not let the dating flames die. The top five male turnoffs are:
1. Flakiness
Men dont like dating girls who keep canceling the dates meaning that their is always this big ‘Maybe’ lingering over they relationship. This shows that the guy is not of prime importance in your life; he’s more like an alternative to hang out with when you have nothing else to do. It’s very important in every relationship to make the other person feel special and if this element lacks than the relationship wont last long.It is not that a girl should stop doing everything she is doing for a guy, but she should him proper time. Cancelling dates once or twice, due to some dire emergency, is ok but if it becomes a habit then your relationship is moving towards a dead end.
2. Poor Communication Skills
Communicate openly, guys appreciate that!If you dont agree with him on something then tell him then and there in the right tone and without getting aggressive. You dont have to agree on each and everything with him. If you dont do this then you are creating problems for your future because for time being you said ‘fine’ but in near future when things are not going very well then at that time you will blew up the things by commenting on that same thing aggressively. So, its better to keep an open forum for communications. Be his friend if you want this date to end up into something more strong.
3. Play Fair
Be fair in this dating game. If you are just playing with the guy then you will surely lose the guy. Guys notice everything when it comes to dating. They see wheather you being fair and playing your part properly or not. For example, if you always expect the guy to come pick you even when you can easily go by yourself or letting him pay the bills alone, etc all these things when accumalate ruin the relationship. This 21st century girls! Guys want more independent girlfriends not some gold digger.4. Trying to change him
Please stop trying to change him! Love him for what he is..the first time you dated him you loved him for what he was, not for what you want him to be. Give him his personal space; dont try to cramp in your likes and dislikes in his life. Girls usually start complaining the way the guys walk, talk, eat..etc after few dates which annoys men to a great extent. So, stop complaining and appreciate their originality and love them for what they are, else go find your prince charimng somewhere else!5. Ultimatums
When one of the biggest turn off are the ultimatums. Ultimatums are neither sexy nor effective. They usually make men think twice about you that what are you; are you their girlfriend or some warden. It also destroys the communication between the two.I hope by reading these turnoffs, girls you would stop doing all of these things and will start enjoying your lives with your dates.